In this short page we will assist you to fully understand the RESETTING call for SMEs. Please, take the time to read them carefully and if you have any questions, feel free to make an enquiry to this email address: opencall2023@resetting.eu.
We shall get back to you as soon as possible!
If you are:
a Micro, Small and medium enterprise (SME) as defined by the EU recommendation 2003/361
And a tourism SME from one of the following categories:
- Hotels and similar accommodation(Nace code: I5510)
- Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (Nace code: I5520)
- Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks (Nace code: I5530)
- Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities (Nace code: N79)
And be registered in:
- The province of Tarragona (Spain)
- Portugal
- Heraklion province (Greece)
- Tirana, Vlora, Shkodra, Gjirokastra, Fieri, Berati or Korça (Albania)
- Coastal municipalities of the Marche region: San Benedetto del Tronto, Grottammare, Cupra Marittima, Pedaso and Porto San Giorgio (Italy)
Then join our Project and submit your Action Plan to get funded!
Why should your SME participate
In this ever evolving and hyperconnected world that we are living in, where the access to sources of information surpasses, oftentimes, our imagination, the post-pandemic tourist is more savvy and better informed and ultimately, is more concerned about the impacts that they cause when visiting a destination, not only at the environmental but also at the social level. This change of paradigm has certainly been fueled by the penetration of many technological and data-driven solutions in the tourism market, which have subsequently produced a disruption in the conventional ways in which commercial transactions and customers experience used to take place traditionally. Having in mind this new scenario, it is of paramount importance that tourism SMEs hop on the innovation wagon to fully embrace all the advantages that they can benefit from applying digital and transformative changes in their daily business operations. This transition into a more digitally driven world will unavoidably trigger new business models and will rebalance new dynamics.
To this end, the RESETTING project will ultimately help the beneficiaries to have a broader understanding of the different digital tools that are currently in the market and whose adoption can assist to make the tourism SMEs, not only more profitable, but also more innovative, competitive and sustainable in the long run.
RESETTING is launching the Open Call in order to give the chance to European SMEs to be the first recipients of funding and this call aims to foster SMEs’ capacities and skills to uptake innovative, digital and smart solutions and new technologies, which will improve their tourism management and the tourism offer in general. This call also addresses training and business needs that tourism SMEs require to adapt to trends, challenges and opportunities. Are you going to miss this opportunity? Read below if you meet the requirements.
What kind of activities are funded?
The beneficiary’s action plan should include actions that improve their use of digital and smart technology, such as improving their data management in-house practices, embracing innovative tools based on artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), streamlining communication channels etc. Hence, the ultimate objective shall be to raise the improved competitiveness levels of your SME by offering more customized, efficient and effective tourism products whilst improving the quality of your services.
The following table shows a detailed list of eligible activities for the SMEs’ action plan:
- Travel and allowance costs for active participation and learning actions
- Digital innovation investments
- Smart tourism tools
- Advisory services
- Improving skills to digitalize the operation of the SME
- Adapting operational procedures
- Augmented and Virtual Reality, Crowd detection, Drone-based and Beacon-based sustainable tourism tools (see examples here)
Investments in a physical infrastructure are not eligible.
The timeframe planned for the implementation of the activities outlined in the action plan must not go beyond 6 months.
* It is important to underline that this set of activities should foster transnational and cross-border cooperation in digitalisation, innovation new technologies and smart tourism.
Financial support
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following amounts:
- Minimum amount: € 7.000
- Maximum amount: € 9.000
The financial support shall take the form of a voucher. The exact voucher amount will depend on the budget presented in the Application form by the SME and clearly agreed with the relevant BSO in the Action Plan Agreement (APA).
For Further information please download and read carefully all the following relative documents:
Deadline and Next Steps
Dates are: opening date –> 1st June 2023, 09:00 CET
Submission deadline: 25th September 2023, 23:59 CET
The Evaluation Committee will assess the quality of the submitted applications from 11 September to 25 October 2023.
Applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application by late October 2023. Activities are planned to start at mid-November 2023 and last for a maximum of six months after the signature of the funding contracts.