City of San Benedetto del Tronto
Eligible Public Authority
The City of San Benedetto del Tronto is a local public body located in the Marche Region, along the coast of the Adriatic Sea.
The Authority manages a coastal stretch of more than 7 km consisting mainly of beaches equipped for seaside tourism, with considerable annual presences (about 1,000,000 tourists per year). The City also includes in its territory a Nature Reserve (Regional Nature Reserve Sentina) that covers 1.7 km of coastline, a land Natura 2000 site, recently expanded to the sea (SCI IT5340001) and includes the area of the Piceno Coast Marine Park, pursuant to L. 394/91 (art. 36, paragraph 1, letter t). Historical seaside tourist center of the Marche Riviera, has for many years, a considerable number of tourists and visitors. These characteristics, together with the presence of a fishing port of national importance and a basin for yachting, highlight the reasons for City of San Benedetto del Tronto’s involvement in the project partnership. The City of San Benedetto del Tronto has the needs to initiate a process of technological innovation and efficient tourism management with a view to the sustainability of local tourism enterprises.. The Authority has been a member of a member of the Mayor Adapt, it also has a high capacity to manage European projects with the participation, in recent years, in projects LIFE09 NAT/IT/000608 RESCWE and LIFE11 ENV /IT/000277 PRISCA, a project of DG MARE of the “Guardian of the Sea” program and 3 projects of the Interreg Italy Croatia program and many other projects including Resetting. It is the headquarters and coordinator of the Flag Marche Sud. structure financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) which works, among other things, to promote sustainable tourism with fishing-tourism actions.
Address & Contacts
Viale Alcide De Gasperi, 124, 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto AP
42.9435814, 13.883047
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Relaunching European smart and SustainablE Tourism models Through digitalization and INnovative technoloGies (RESETTING)